They traced my ancestors back
50,000 years to the Rift Valley in
Northeast Africa.
Withdrawing from the Ice Age.
Stone tools and early art.
Northeast Africa.
Withdrawing from the Ice Age.
Stone tools and early art.
My Y-chromosome then migrated north
Through the Middle East
And into southern Europe.
I’m in North America and
Not feeling my roots at all.
I suppose we’re all from Africa if you
Go back far enough.
But I can barely remember what I
Ate for breakfast two days ago
Or why I let my ego get out control yesterday.
Africa thousands of years ago seems distant and
I can't feel it.
I can't feel it.
But the girl who stuffed me in her closet when I was 12,
That I remember.
That I’d like to change.
I wish I had been brave enough to ask her to
Explore my Y-chromosome.
That would have resonated more
Than a dusty patch somewhere in a distant continent.
© Poem Fix http://www.poemfix.com 2012
Illustration by Archaeogenetics
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