How do we know that and
How is it measured?
Because they are obedient and easy to train,
Or because other breeds are not?
I am jealous of Border Collies
Though I've never met one.
I suppose they are hard workers and protective,
Which is nice.
But I look down at my feet where my
Two Boxers
Are resting,
Waiting for me to rise so they can
Stand up,
Hoping I move toward the kitchen where
Yummy things wait.
They lead simple, uncluttered lives,
But I feel sorry for them
And I'm embarrassed,
Owning dumb dogs,
A master of imbeciles.
But they are my mentally challenged canines, and
I don't care how stupid they are,
My pooper butt face boys,
Perhaps smarter than I am.
At least we're similarly handsome,
Which must count for something.
© Poem Fix http://www.poemfix.com 2012
Photo by Poem Fix
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